Tuesday, June 26, 2007

About this blog...

With apologies to Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken, I need LESS cowbell. In sports commentary, that is.

Yes, this is another sports blog. It's the only thing I know well enough to write about and have people care about the topics. I figure I'm ready to waste time writing my own material rather than waste time reading or commenting on someone else's.

The banging cowbell is a really annoying sound; Phil Jackson could tell you all about it (yeah I'm talkin' about you, Sacramento King fan). Like the cowbell, some people's voices are also annoying, but worse because people can annoy your soul as well as your eardrums.

I can't help responding to the silliness that's so prevalent in sports media and fan opinion. There is too much guilt by accusation and assumption, too little patience to judge, too much condemnation without understanding, too little consideration of facts. This is the cowbell of which I need less (yes, I'm an ardent grammarian. 10th grade English changed my life).

But all that is to be expected from people. It's nothing new. I just try to be a voice of reason and relative objectivity.

Unless the topic concerns the best in the game of basketball, the Black Mamba, the pin cushion of American sports, Kobe Bryant. Readers should know that I will most likely provide support to Kobe for issues pertaining to Kobe. He's a persecuted man who needs more defense (out of the courtroom).

I hope that I'm an interesting read and that many people see what I have to say. And if you do comment, please be respectful. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, so no personal attacks are necessary. Unless you're a Kobe hater.

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